Sunday, February 23, 2014


Boris Sevo resides in SoCal where he is a Business Honors student at CSUF and a part-time studio photographer for Demand Media Studios. Aesthete at heart, he enjoys both writing and photography and has produced content with and Born in Serbia and raised in the United States, he shares his unique worldview and tastes with us.

To the right: Andrew Billiter. A first-year business student, Andrew is considering a history major with the goal of becoming a college professor.  A native of Villa Park, he works at Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa and, in his free time, labors away on several unfinished novels. 

Jimmy, taking in a
round of golf.
You may recognize 19-year-old Jimmy Buchanan from the Jungle Cruise and myriad other rides at Disneyland, where he has worked since enrolling at CSUF. He studies business with a concentration in Entertainment and Tourism Management. Hailing from Riverside, California, Jimmy is interested in anything involving sports and is also a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity on campus.

Cameron, circa 1932.
Finally, Cameron Samaniego. Of Peruvian and European-Spanish decent, he is a native of Yorba Linda, 18 years old, original and stylish. With a job at Sherwin-Williams and a large network of friends and family in the area, he's easily identified as a happy, well-rounded person. Currently in his first year at the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics, Cam is pursuing a degree in Finance with the Business Honors program at CSUF.

All of this blog's authors reside in the O.C. and attend the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics at California State University, Fullerton.